Wristbands; the unsung heros of Medpac

When safeguarding a large group of children it could be all so easy to muddle their names - let’s not even get started of siblings who look similar! We all make mistakes, that’s only human, but when it comes to the administration of medicine for children there’s no room for error.

Implementing a combination of Medpacs and our Essential Wristbands, children’s group leaders can easily identify those children who need medication with the wristbands and find the right medication for them with their clearly labelled photo ID Medpac.

We spoke to Emma, a youth leader from the Boys Brigade in Tewkesbury to see what she had to say on the usefulness of the Medpac Essential Wristbands:

“At Boys Brigade we only see the children once a week so the Medpac wristbands offer an ideal reminder to the leaders as to which child has to carry medicine. Also the Medpac is easy to find in a rucksack in an emergency situation and the photo ID means we can easily check we have the right medicine for the right child in a hurry".


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