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A COVID-19 update from Medpac
23,Mar 2020

A COVID-19 update from Medpac

Covids Impact

Each day, the Coronavirus is bringing more challenges to all of us and things are changing on a daily basis. We would like to reassure you that we are still open for business, and will continue to update you as necessary. We continue to be dedicated to offering you the best service possible and will be happy to answer any questions by email at

We store and distribute all our orders from our own office in Suffolk and as a small team we take cleanliness and hygiene very seriously. We wear gloves when packing and dispatching all orders, and all stock is kept in isolation.

We are continuously in touch with Royal Mail and our couriers to ensure your packages are delivered as quickly as possible.

Public Health England (PHE) has advised that people receiving parcels are not at risk of contracting the coronavirus.

Thank you so much for your ongoing support.   

UK Deliveries

In order to protect both their staff and customers as much as possible, Royal Mail and couriers will not be handing over their hand-held devices to customers to capture signatures. They will instead log the name of the person accepting the item. This will apply to all deliveries that require a signature. 

Additionally, for all customers (including those who are self-isolating) where we need to deliver any parcel that won’t fit through your letterbox, Royal Mail will place your item at your door. Having knocked on your door, we will then step aside to a safe distance while you retrieve your item. This will ensure your item is delivered securely rather than being left outside. 

If you are unable to come to the door at all, Royal Mail will issue a ‘Something for You’ card, advising of other ways you can arrange to get your item. For example, by getting a friend or family member to collect the parcel from your local Customer Service Point on your behalf. In this situation, and to keep your mail as secure as possible, they will need to bring along the card Royal Mail left for you and a form of ID in the name of the person the item is addressed to. 

International Orders

For shipping overseas please do check that the relevant company is operating a usual postal system. We will do all we can to keep up to date with the situation, but as you can appreciate, things can change quickly. At present, we are shipping worldwide as usual. Please click here to see Royal Mail's International Incidents Bulletin.


In the event Royal Mail needs to close their units, this decision would be made in line with Public Health England guidance. Royal Mail has many years’ experience of contingency planning for a number of different scenarios. We will follow the Government’s advice and work closely with the relevant authorities.

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