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27,Sep 2019

A Medpac Customer Story - Melissa and Colin

How Medipac Helps

Hearing positive feedback from our customers always puts a smile on our faces, and this one was so great we wanted to share it with you all!
Hi Jayne My son (16yrs old) has a severe nut allergy and I was introduced to the Medpac by my friend Michelle G (who I believe is your friend!). It has been invaluable for him to keep all his medication in. It is a good size and the bright colour makes it easy to be seen at the bottom of his bag! He must have had the Medpac for 6 years now and we have only just had to replace it. 
We are really impressed that it is now insulated as we are always finding his bottle of Piriton leaks! Plus the identification card and pocket for us to put his emergency treatment plan inside is really handy and practical (and helps with us worried parents knowing that if we are not with him, someone will be able to know what to do!). 
Thank you so much,

Melissa and Colin W.

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