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Are you prepared for back to school?
19,Aug 2021

Are you prepared for back to school?

As the summer passes by we have to start thinking about getting organised for going back to school. New uniform and shoes, new stationery and of course a new lunch box!!

However if your child had a medical condition such as asthma, allergy, epilepsy or diabetes to name just a few, this adds a further level of planning when it comes to the new school year.

How to store medication at school

How your child’s medication is stored at school to enable easy access in an emergency situation can cause anxiety for parents and children alike.

As a parent myself in need of a medicine storage solution for my daughter, I designed Medpac. The criteria was it had to be affordable, durable and easy to find in an emergency. Furthermore it was essential that the correct medication could be identified for the correct child in an emergency, hence every Medpac comes complete with a photo ID card.

So, purchasing a Medpac is a good starting point to planning for the new school year.

Also ensure your child’s school has an Individual Healthcare Plan IHP, this is required for all pupils with asthma, epilepsy, diabetes and allergies.

Finally, periodically review information regarding your child’s medical condition and ensure all medication is within expiry date.

There are numerous resources available for parents and children alike to help with managing the transition, whether starting school for the first time or returning to school with a newly diagnosed medical condition.

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