Today is World Asthma Day; an annual event designed to increase global awareness of asthma. Millions of people worldwide suffer from the disease, which is an inflammation of the airways of the lungs. It affects people of all ages but is often triggered during childhood. Fortunately, asthma sufferers can lead normal lives with the aid of simple treatments, such as inhalers and tablets, to keep their symptoms under control.
Madi's Challenge - Raising money for breast cancer
Meet 21-year-old student and part time spin instructor, Madi Wright, who is one such asthma sufferer that is determined to live life to the fullest by taking on an immense challenge later this summer. Madi has entered the London to Paris charity bike ride, which runs over three consecutive days (6th-8th July), in a bid to raise over £1,000 for Breast Cancer Now, the UK’s largest Breast Cancer research charity.
Madi, who will be sponsored for the event by Medpac, is acutely aware of the effects Breast Cancer can have on anyone and everyone, stealing loved ones in the most heart-breaking way.
“Breast Cancer is likely to affect some of my family and friends and I’ve already had members of family and friends experience it in some way, shape or form,” said Madi.
Madi is one of up to 150 undergraduate students taking part in the London to Paris bike ride from various universities across the country. Madi’s training regime has been intertwined with exams and coursework for her final year at university. In fact, Madi and her family will be darting back to the UK the day after the London to Paris bike ride to celebrate her graduation!
Wind, hayfever and air pollution are two of the primary triggers for Madi’s asthma and she has had to contend with these when out riding both at home in Suffolk and at university in Birmingham.
“The change of seasons is one of the main triggers of my asthma,” said Madi. “It’s not nice feeling tight-chested out on a bike ride, so it’s going to be a huge challenge to cope with my symptoms for three days straight.”
The reasons for Medpac’s sponsorship of Madi’s challenge this summer were two-fold, according to owner, Jayne Tarrant.
“Breast Cancer is a charity close to my heart,” said Jayne. “Madi has also worked alongside me at various trade shows as a long-standing user of Medpac products and is part of the ‘Medpac family’.”
Madi will be taking two Medpac products along with her for the gruelling journey – a Medpac Active, which she’ll keep her everyday asthma inhaler in to use during rides, and a Small Medpac, which will store her additional overnight asthma inhalers and tablets throughout the challenge.
Madi is well on her way to meeting her £1,100 sponsorship target having already raised over £700 and is planning on doing a sponsored spinning class when she returns to university after Easter.
Keep track of Madi’s progress and sponsor her cause at her Everydayhero UK page here.
Good luck Madi! #getmaditoparis