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Medpacs at Primary school
19,Oct 2017

Medpacs at Primary school

In primary schools the correct administration of medication can be a life or death situation and with the shocking cuts to qualified school nurses in the United Kingdom, the onus is increasingly falling on teachers and assistants to administer vital medication, often in cases of emergency. Get this wrong and it could potentially be fatal - no pressure then!

Helping students with allergies

At Medpac we aim to put the minds of teachers, assistants, parents, grandparents and children at ease. We’ve designed Medpacs with them in mind. In order to minimize mix up or incorrect administration we’ve included a space on our bright orange, easily spottable Medpac bags for each child’s identification, the expiry date of the medicine and inside for the medicine administration instructions.

We do not recommend that schools padlock the bags as they may need to be accessed in a hurry but it is possible to buy tamper-proof cable ties to close them where dates and signatures can be recorded. For parents interested we sell a range of Medpacs to suit your child’s individual needs and for schools we sell a starter pack. Whether at school or at home, we recommend keeping medicine stored high up in a locked cupboard so that it cannot be accessed by children. Just make sure the key is very easily quickly and accessible to the adults in charge, or preferably that the cupboard is locked with an easily remembered code that only the adults are aware of (make a note of it too and stick it on the wall high up enough so that children can’t see it).

We spoke to Sharon, a learning support assistant from Eye, on what she had to say about the use of Medpacs in her school:

"Medpac is an important time saver for school trips or any situation with groups of children.  Having the photo ID on the side of the Medpac allows easy identification of the correct medicine for the correct child - which prevents unnecessary fumbling around in an emergency situation.  Also the brightness of the Medpac allows for easy spotting of the medication in the bottom of a full school bag. Medpac has many uses in the school setting including easy storage in a school medical room and protection of medicines if many are kept together.  Medpac is a simple, but innovative product - which I don't know how we did without!"

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