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person being wheeled into an ambulance with a medpac bag

Whether a planned hospital stay, or an emergency, make sure you have your regular prescription medicines packed in a Medpac, complete with photo ID card.

"When my father was suddenly rushed into hospital, having all his diabetes medication with him in a Medpac saved time for hospital staff and allowed him to be treated more efficiently"

Lynne, Chelmsford

Protect Your Health, Wherever You Go

Medpac solutions for planned and emergency hospital stays:

At Medpac, we appreciate the stress incurred with a stay in hospital, whether it’s planned or not. Whether it’s a routine operation or a medical emergency, it’s important that you have all your essential and preventative medication to hand in hospital. Not only does it save time for hospital staff to understand your condition(s) it also allows you to be treated quicker.

Each Medpac available comes with an ID Treatment Card, allowing you to detail any pre-existing medical issues prior to your hospital stay. This can be vital for hospital staff in the event you are unable to communicate your condition verbally at the time. Our insulated Medpacs are ideal for housing diabetic medication to be kept in a refrigerated environment during your stay in hospital.

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